Monday, June 28, 2010

Reckless Move

Mile: 61 (including what I did on Saturday and today, which is the subject of this post)

Allright, so I allowed myself a day of rest on Friday after the Broadway run, but I wanted to get back into the swing of things Saturday. Guess who smartly left their running shoes in New Jersey while I was all the way out in Easthampton? Yup... x( but I was determined to be productive somehow, so I decided to run barefoot like the Kenyans alongside my mum. Slow and easy pace, good conversation, and decently paved asphalt meant the going was fine until we hit some privately-owned roads. Ever tried running on broken glass? That just BEGINS to describe how painful the ordeal was. Even so, It was kind of cool to run barefoot and I DID get three miles in that day.

Took another day off on Sunday since I was still shoe-less and a bit sore from the previous day's run. Today, however, I had that URGE to get to it, so I headed for the park to try and break a distance record or two. I drank a bottle of water beforehand, brought one along with me, and polished it off before I began the stated distance; 10 kilometers. I was doing GREAT! Had a fresh new playlist going on my Ipod full of fast-paced music, temperature held steady, and I felt really strong even though I was sweating like CRAZY. After the hill on 82nd, however, things got bad very quickly. I sweated faster but was overheating, running in a haze, and by 90th street began to recognize what was possibly heatstroke. I know that you're supposed to work through muscle pains, stomach cramps, and what have you but THIS was too much. Couldn't even see thirty feet in front of me by that point, the sweat was pouring into my eyes I stopped running and checked my time on the stopwatch;

4 miles in 23:26 minutes

Allright. Fine. Checking, It's 93 degrees out today in broad daylight. Lovely! This is why I'm titling today's post 'reckless'... I was told not to run when it's above 75 out and for good reason it seems. Provided it cools down tonight, I'll round off my mileage with an 8-miler at a slower pace. If it doesn't: fuhgedaboudit!

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