Monday, August 23, 2010

Resolve and recovery

Mile 232.6 (4 mile run yesterday, 3 mile run on saturday morning)

4.1 miles in 30 minutes. That's astoundingly good for someone who was sedentary for all of a month. That's a 44 minute 10k - if I kept that pace.

Today I'm going to run a 5k in under 20 minutes. I've never done it before, but I can and I will.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Mile; 212.8 (9 mile run at 1:25)

Slow going today, as it is HOT, HUMID, and unbelievably difficult to run hills in New Jersey without constantly wanting to stop. It was worth the go, and I'm better off for it, but I really think It'd be wise to stick with night runs from now on.

Know what the best part about running on County roads is? Without sidewalks, I get to compete with SUV's for space. I haven't lost that competition yet xD

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Still got it

Mile: 204.7

I couldn't run ONCE during my trip to Malawi, even with how much I wanted to. Running on a different CONTINENT, what a great concept! The problem is, potable water is hard to come by in the rural parts we were staying at, there are no running trails to speak of, all the roads nearby were unsafe for pedestrian traffic, and there was no one to run with me! (much less an ipod to listen to)

Wanna know something weird, though? I went for a run yesterday when I got back. It was an ordinary, run-of-the-mill 10k, and I went as fast as I could go. What's so weird about that?

I wasn't a single minute slower than my average 10k time before the trip began.