Friday, July 9, 2010


Mile: 130

I'm still on the injured list and it BURNS, especially now that i'm doing hard labor in addition to daily workouts, but I'm proud to say I'm able to run again after 2-3 days of taking it easy. I did two three-mile runs in the Hamptons with my Mom, though my leg was still beat up pretty bad, and this past Tuesday when I got back to Jersey I tried a 20-mile run with my Dad. In 100 degree weather, while it's sunny and humid. We had plenty of water, sure, and my dad was riding the bike (he doesn't run distance) so he could keep going as long as I could... but the bike broke down three miles into the journey! Couple that with the fact that I didn't even bring my Ipod, and there was no way I could finish.

Wednesday I tried again on an indoor treadmill. No dice; my ankle wouldn't let me run a full MILE before giving out. I tried again that evening and managed a short 3-mile loop on Central Park's bridal paths, clocking an absolutely ASTOUNDING time of 36 minutes, or, 12 minute miles (that's sarcasm, folks! I haven't run that slow since I entered this sport)

It's been a few days, as it's Friday night, and I'm in Texas now but somehow through the humidity I was able to run nine miles today in 1 hour, 29 minutes, 30 seconds. That's pretty slow all things considered, but I'm just glad i'm not on the disabled list anymore ^^ .

If I've got the energy in me tomorrow after a day of roofing and construction type work, I'll run a 10k or two and record that time. Wish me luck!

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