Thursday, July 1, 2010


Mile: 87 (one six-mile run tuesday night, one six-mile run Wednesday morning)

Tuesday night's run was another exploration-type; I went up to 114th street and Broadway, moseyed over to 1st avenue on the other side, descended to 79th street and crossed the park, and finally made my way back to Broadway, uptown to my house. All in all, according to google maps, that's 7.8 miles. I call bull on its directions, though, because It was meant for car routes and didn't take the same directions I did, so I'll call it a six-miler. I realized something pretty interesting on this run; Manhattan is CONSTANTLY under construction, with buildings being built and renovated, sidewalks and roads torn apart and repaved - you couldn't NOT have all this repair and revision going on, or else the infrastructure would crumble in a matter of years. (If I remember right, that happened in the 70's)

Yesterday I wanted to try out my distance capabilities, seeing as I've been honing my legs to perfection for the past two weeks, but I was so sore I couldn't do more than 6 miles at a 52:00 minute pace. That is acceptable - I've decided to not run until tomorrow morning when I'll attempt 17 miles. Until then, proper diet and hydration are all I can do to prepare.

If everything works as planned, where I increase my peak distance by 3 miles per week, I should be set to run this double marathon by October first. That, however, doesn't leave me any time whatsoever for recovery in case I injure myself. I'll have to play these next few weeks with EXTREME caution.

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