Saturday, July 3, 2010

Proud of an achievement.. embarrassed at a fall

Mile: 107

I ran a grand slam of seventeen miles in central park yesterday after taking Thursday off, clocking in at 2 hours and 24 minutes; I'd been aiming for sub- 2:30 so that worked out just right :) It was a pleasantly cool but sunny day that beckoned persistence. Although a few people passed me in the short run, it seemed like no one was going the distance I was; they went off the road or stopped running within a mile or two of striding past with their brand-spanking-new Ipods and gleaming bronze tans. Arrogant to the last, they can be. Then again, so am I when it comes to going faster than everyone else. I get used to running past casual joggers so often that it feels like my natural right to pass all runners... even if they've got the form and pace of Junior Olympics athletes (I made the mistake of challenging one a few months ago during a hill).

At any rate, the first loop was slow going because I didn't want to overexert myself after two-a-days the week before, but once I realized I was holding myself back I picked up the pace and gave it my all, finishing the second loop 4 - 5 minutes faster and the third one only a minute slower than that. I still don't have the perfect playlist down for runs, but it did the job this time around - my heart and soul was in this one from the beginning to the last mile.

I did a 5k this morning with my mom, as we usually do in the mornings in EastHampton. Unfortunately I tripped and fell on an uneven sidewalk, injuring my knee. I don't know the extent of this injury, and It doesn't seem THAT bad, but at the same time I can't walk straight without being in pain. We'll see how long it takes to recover from this one.

Kinda humiliating to be on the 'hurt' list from one of these slow and short runs, I must confess =/ I thought I'd've been able to run a 10k on Sunday FAST if this hadn't happened.

20-miler by next Wednesday. It WILL happen.

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